import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional using (Extensionality)
open import Data.Fin using (Fin; suc; zero)
open import Data.Nat using (; suc)
open import Level using (0ℓ)
open Eq using (_≡_; refl; sym)

open import CBV.Monadic.Terms
open import CBPV.Effects.Terms hiding (n)
open import Effects

module CBV.Monadic.Translation (E : Effect) where

import CBPV.Effects.SyntacticTyping E as CBPV
open import CBPV.Effects.Renaming E
open import CBPV.Effects.Types E
open import CBV.Monadic.SyntacticTyping E
open import CBV.Monadic.Types E
open CBPV hiding (Ctx; _∷_; Γ)
open Effect E
open Effects.Properties E

  extensionality : Extensionality 0ℓ 0ℓ

record Translation (A B : Set) : Set where
    ⟦_⟧ : A  B

open Translation ⦃...⦄ public

  ⟦Type⟧ : Translation Type ValType
  Translation.⟦ ⟦Type⟧  𝟙 = 𝟙
  Translation.⟦ ⟦Type⟧  (τ₁  τ₂) = 𝑼 pure ( τ₁   𝑭  τ₂ )
  Translation.⟦ ⟦Type⟧  (𝑻 φ τ) = 𝑼 φ (𝑭  τ )

  ⟦Ctx⟧ : Translation (Ctx n) (CBPV.Ctx n)
  Translation.⟦ ⟦Ctx⟧  Γ m =  Γ m 

    ⟦Value⟧ : Translation (Value n) (Val n)
    Translation.⟦ ⟦Value⟧  unit = unit
    Translation.⟦ ⟦Value⟧  (ƛ e) =  ƛ  e  
    Translation.⟦ ⟦Value⟧  (# x) =  x

    ⟦Exp⟧ : Translation (Exp n) (Comp n)
    Translation.⟦ ⟦Exp⟧  (val v) = return  v 
    Translation.⟦ ⟦Exp⟧  (e₁ · e₂) =
      $⟵  e₁  
      $⟵  e₂  [ suc ]c 
      ( suc zero !) ·  zero
    Translation.⟦ ⟦Exp⟧  (e₁ » e₂) =
      $⟵  e₁  
       zero »  e₂  [ suc ]c
    Translation.⟦ ⟦Exp⟧  (return e) = return   e  
    Translation.⟦ ⟦Exp⟧  ($⟵ e₁  e₂) =
      return  $⟵ $⟵  e₁    zero !  $⟵  e₂    zero ! 
    Translation.⟦ ⟦Exp⟧  (tick) = return  $⟵ tick  return  zero 

⟦Γ∷τ⟧-expand :  Γ  τ    Γ  CBPV.∷  τ 
⟦Γ∷τ⟧-expand = extensionality λ where
                                  zero     refl
                                  (suc m)  refl

  translation-preservation-value : Γ  v  τ
                                   Γ  ⊢v  v    τ 
  translation-preservation-value typeVar = typeVar
  translation-preservation-value typeUnit = typeUnit
  translation-preservation-value {Γ = Γ} (typeAbs {τ = τ} ⊢e)
    with translation-preservation-exp ⊢e
  ...  | ⊢⟦e⟧
    rewrite ⟦Γ∷τ⟧-expand {Γ = Γ} {τ} = typeThunk (typeAbs ⊢⟦e⟧)

  translation-preservation-exp : Γ  e  τ
                                 Γ  ⊢c  e   𝑭  τ  # pure
  translation-preservation-exp (typeVal Γ⊩v⦂τ) =
    typeRet (translation-preservation-value Γ⊩v⦂τ) ≤-refl
  translation-preservation-exp (typeApp ⊢e₁ ⊢e₂) =
      (translation-preservation-exp ⊢e₁)
          (translation-preservation-exp ⊢e₂)
          λ _  refl)
        (typeApp (typeForce typeVar ≤-refl) typeVar)
        (≡→≤ +-pure-idˡ))
      (≡→≤ +-pure-idˡ)
  translation-preservation-exp (typeSeq ⊢e₁ ⊢e₂) =
      (translation-preservation-exp ⊢e₁)
          (translation-preservation-exp ⊢e₂)
          λ _  refl))
      (≡→≤ +-pure-idˡ)
  translation-preservation-exp (typeReturn ⊢e pure≤φ) =
    typeRet (typeThunk (type-subeff (translation-preservation-exp ⊢e) pure≤φ)) ≤-refl
  translation-preservation-exp {Γ = Γ} (typeBind {τ′ = τ′} ⊢e₁ ⊢e₂ φ₁+φ₂≤φ)
    with translation-preservation-exp ⊢e₁
  ...  | ⊢⟦e₁⟧
    with translation-preservation-exp ⊢e₂
  ...  | ⊢⟦e₂⟧
    rewrite ⟦Γ∷τ⟧-expand {Γ = Γ} {τ′} =
            (typeForce typeVar ≤-refl)
            (≡→≤ +-pure-idˡ))
            (typeForce typeVar ≤-refl)
            (≡→≤ +-pure-idˡ))
  translation-preservation-exp (typeTick tock≤φ) =
        (typeLetin (typeTick tock≤φ) (typeRet typeVar ≤-refl) (≡→≤ +-pure-idʳ)))